What to Do As a Safety Measure During an Earthquake

Guidelines for Remaining Safe During an Earthquake

Tips for Staying Safe During an Earthquake | Lifestyle


How Should I Prepare for an Earthquake?

How Should I Respond to an Earthquake?

What Should I Do After a Quake?

There is no warning before an earthquake, and they can happen anywhere. A typical day can abruptly turn into one with major landslides and building collapses, which results in the severe loss of lives and property. Sadly, Pakistan has seen many of these catastrophic disasters. So, if you ever experience an earthquake, make sure you and your family are safe by following these earthquake safety recommendations.


Here are a few preventative actions you may take to improve your chances of surviving an earthquake if you're interested in learning how to stay safe during one.

With your family, go over a few earthquake safety precautions. Sit down with any children or elderly residents of your home to go through the layout of your property and the best and safest escape routes. Planning an escape route for your business building and school is also a good idea.

Both at home and at work, practice the Drop, Cover, and Hold On technique. Look for a solid desk or table that you can hide under in the event of an earthquake. Remember that this earthquake preparation advice is of the utmost importance.

Heavy pieces of furniture, including bookcases and closets, must be anchored to the wall to prevent them from toppling over during an impact. For electronic appliances like televisions and refrigerators, the same procedure should be followed.

Avoid putting any heavy items on open shelves or above your closet. At a minimum, anchor them to the base or secure them to the wall. By doing this, they can be protected from colliding with people in the event of an earthquake.

Keep an emergency supplies kit on hand at all times. It is possibly among the most significant earthquake safety advice. A basic emergency kit should contain at least three bottles of water, canned goods, granola bars, spare batteries for the flashlight and radio, a fire extinguisher, prescription medication, and some cash. Also remember to include a first aid kit. Here is a list of essential components for your first aid kit in case you're wondering how to put one together. Additionally, make sure that everyone can easily access this kit. Make additional ones if necessary.

To minimize your damages in the event of a strong earthquake, you might also think about getting property insurance. Check out our guide on purchasing house insurance to learn more.

In case you become separated from your family, friends, or workplace, write down crucial phone numbers and choose a meeting place.

Fix any bending or deteriorating walls in your home right now. If you don't address these structural problems, they could cause the building to collapse.


Here are some general earthquake safety precautions you should take if you suddenly feel the Earth trembling under your feet, regardless of where you are or what you are doing.

Don't Panic: It's critical to maintain composure and use your judgment to get to a secure location. If you're inside, stick to your earthquake evacuation plan for your house.

Drop: Get on your hands and knees and descend to the earth. Lock the wheels of your wheelchair and remain in place. Then, stoop and drape your arms over your head and neck.

Crawl under a large, sturdy piece of furniture, such as a sturdy desk or table, to take cover. As you search for a spot to hide, make sure your head and neck are protected by wrapping your arms around them.

One of the most crucial earthquake safety precautions is to hold on. Hold on to a table or desk as soon as you get there until the trembling stops.

Avoid using elevators since they may become stuck between levels, leaving passengers trapped inside with no way to escape. It's not suggested.

Avoid using elevators since they may become stuck between levels, leaving passengers trapped inside with no way to escape. Using the stairs is also not advised. Simply postpone action until after the earthquake has passed.

Keep Clear of Windows: Immediately back away from any windows or glass doors. They could come loose and hurt anyone who is standing nearby.

If you believe it is safe for you to move around, try turning off the gas and power supplies to avoid starting any fires.

If you believe it is safe for you to move around, try turning off the gas and power supplies to avoid starting any fires.

Please be aware that enormous ocean waves can be generated by earthquakes if you reside or work near the seaside. Move as far away from the beach as you can and seek refuge until the authorities deem the area safe.


Finding a safe place is one of the most important earthquake safety advice for children. Take cover behind your desk and remain there until aid arrives rather than panicking and frantically racing around.

Many schools conduct safety drills to instruct students on how to endure an earthquake. All pupils should take part in these drills and keep in mind the lessons they have learnt in case of a natural disaster.


Given that you know the specific layout of your home and where to seek shelter, it is probably safest to be there during an earthquake. Pick up your emergency supplies kit and car keys as soon as the ground stops moving. Stay hidden until you feel it is safe to emerge if the shaking resumes.

But if you can't go beneath something heavy, flatten yourself against an internal wall or crouch against it. Always take precautions to safeguard your neck and head. As soon as you have a chance, move to a secure area.


The majority of offices in large cities are housed inside high-rise buildings, therefore a key earthquake safety recommendation would be to avoid the stairs and elevators. Naturally, you could be inclined to leave the building as fast as possible, but doing so at once could result in accidents with crushed victims and jammed elevators.

You can utilize the fire exit if there is one in your workplace building. Once the earth has stopped trembling, run towards the stairs. Additionally, while leaving the premises, don't worry about your personal stuff other than your phone and water bottle.


Keep moving away from power wires and electricity poles while remaining outside rather than fleeing into a building to seek cover. Additionally, avoid standing too close to exterior walls because they could collapse. One of the safest places to be during an earthquake is in parks and open areas.

When an earthquake strikes your city, if you are in a car, pull over to the side of the road so as not to obstruct traffic and stay inside. Additionally, it will protect you from being struck by another vehicle. However, avoid parking your car in underpasses and bridges.

On addition, tune in to the radio to hear the emergency announcements. In order to shield oneself from any falling objects, it is also advised that you lean over and raise your arms above your head.


Here are some things you should do in the event of an earthquake now that you are aware of the vital safety advice.

Be ready to experience vibrations following the original earthquake because aftershocks are the most common type of earthquake.

Take care of your scrapes and bruises. If you can, assist others with first aid.

Call your loved ones to check on them and let them know where you are. Remember to check in on your neighbors, classmates, and coworkers as well.

Only contact rescue personnel in an emergency.

Look for structural issues and gas leaks in your house. Avoid lighting a match because it could start a fire.

Get out of your house as soon as you suspect it may collapse. But make sure to bring your wallet, house key, auto key, and emergency supply kit.

Watch the television or listen to the radio for additional instructions from the relevant authorities.

Put on protective footwear and gear to avoid getting hurt by glass and other debris.

Fill a few buckets with tap water if you can because you never know when it might run out.

You can improve your odds of surviving an earthquake by following these safety recommendations before, during, and after it occurs.


In addition to adopting these earthquake safety precautions, memorize the emergency contact numbers so you will know who to call if you require assistance.

Here are some crucial hotlines for Islamabad, Karachi, and Lahore.

Rescue Service112211221122

Police Emergency151515

Civil Hospital 042-9921110-9021-99215960052-5550311

Edhi Ambulance115115115

Organization Lahore Karachi Islamabad Rescue Service

Here is a comprehensive guide on how to create an earthquake-resistant building in the meanwhile if you're interested in disaster-proofing your home. You can also take refuge in one of these structures if there are any nearby, as they offer earthquake protection.

The finest real estate and lifestyle blog in Pakistan, Rightdeed Blog, has more advice on how to prepare for earthquakes. Send us an email at support@rightdeed.com if you have any inquiries or recommendations. Don't forget to visit and like our Facebook page as well if you want to find out about the most recent investment opportunities in your area.

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