Some Pros and Cons of Buying a House on a Main Road

Cons and Advantages of Purchasing a Home on a Major Route

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Purchasing a Home Near a Main Route


benefits of residing near a busy road

Disadvantages of residing near a busy street

Prospective homebuyers can easily be split into two groups when it comes to purchasing real estate: those who prefer living near a major road and those who prefer a quiet or peaceful location.

Of course, each of these choices has advantages and disadvantages. To begin with, purchasing a home near a busy road can make it simpler for residents to get to public spaces, mass transportation, stores, and educational institutions. The disadvantages, however, include excessive commotion, a lack of personal space, and air pollution. Some buyers of real estate may find these factors to be significant turnoffs, whereas others may not mind a busy neighborhood and place the highest value on accessibility.

Additionally, some buyers decide to purchase a home if it meets their primary requirements. The size of the building, the number of rooms, the facilities, and the neighborhood could all be factors. On the other hand, some individuals look beyond the confines of their property and aspire to reside somewhere that is nearer to bus stations, markets, and other contemporary amenities.

We have compiled a list of the benefits and drawbacks of living near a major road to update you on the fundamentals of real estate investment in Pakistan. To make the best option for you and your family, compare these points to your lifestyle choices.


Finding the house of your desires can occasionally be difficult because there are so many factors to take into account. The most important choice is whether to buy a home in a busy neighborhood or a quiet, remote one. Here are some advantages of purchasing real estate near a major road if you're also facing such a dilemma.


Homeowners who want to be close to local amenities like schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and recreation areas will undoubtedly benefit from living near a major road. Additionally, they have no trouble finding public transportation or walking a short distance to buy for necessities. This kind of property is an enormous bonus for people who want to live close to social amenities like restaurants, cafes, playgrounds, and parks.

In addition, you can read our article on the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing a home close to a school.


In general, major roads and busy streets are crowded and well-lit at all times. These areas typically have a greater law enforcement presence because there are a lot of people using the pavement and a lot of cars driving around during the day. In addition to ensuring a higher degree of safety for those who enjoy taking a late-night or early-morning stroll through the neighborhood, this also means fewer break-ins.

BEST UPkeep AND Maintenance

Purchasing a home close to a highway or major thoroughfare has the added benefit of receiving more repair and upkeep attention from the local government. Smaller streets receive less traffic, so they are typically lower on the list of roads that need repair in the event of heavy rain or other harm. The first roadways to receive a new surface and carpeting are those that are busier.


The cost of real estate near a main road is frequently less than that of homes on side streets, though this may differ depending on the location. This occurs since many buyers favor less noise and traffic than what is present on busy roadways. Even though the discount might only be 5% or 10%, it can still be a significant amount for those on a limited budget.

Disadvantages of residing near a busy street

Purchasing a home is a major financial achievement. Although it is simple to get carried away by the exhilaration of moving into a new location, it is crucial to keep in mind that you are selecting your new home for a number of years. Therefore, it ought to be cozy and feel like a house. So, if you're having trouble deciding between a home on a bustling street and one in a remote location, consider the following drawbacks of living close to a major road.


Bus stops and public areas are nearer to buildings built on major streets. One of the biggest drawbacks of living near a major road is the increased noise from busy areas. Even though there are steps you can take to lessen noise, like installing double-glazed windows, if you reside near a busy street, the outside spaces can become very noisy.

However, potential homeowners should keep in mind that traffic patterns change throughout the day and that roadways are typically busiest during rush hours. Therefore, they ought to go above and beyond and look into this before making a choice.


It's also essential to keep in mind that living near busy streets will make your home dustier. Automobile pollution and dust are two of the most irksome and unwelcome visitors to homes near a major road. In addition to necessitating constant cleaning, poor air quality can make some homeowners more allergic, necessitating owners to place an air filtration system in the home, which is an additional expense.


A property near a main road typically costs less to purchase than one in a back street, as was already stated. So, despite the fact that living near a busy road is a cost-effective choice, it can work against the buyer when they try to sell it. Simply put, properties located near busy streets typically experience slower price growth and lower resale value. However, please note that this may not be the case for every neighbourhood or area.


Parents and pet owners will need to be more watchful in homes on busy streets and close to high-traffic areas to make sure that their kids and furry companions are not left unattended in case they wander or escape out. To put it another way, families with children and pets may find it risky to live near a busy road, particularly if they haven't set up any safety barriers or alarms.

This is the end of our blog post on purchasing a home close to a freeway or major road. We trust that our list of benefits and drawbacks will aid in your quick decision-making.

For more advice on purchasing a house, you can also look at the following guides:

Choosing Between Two Similar Properties: A Buyer's Help

Pakistan's Complete Guide to Luxury Real Estate

Should You Think About Residing in a Dead End?

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