Some Ideas to Maximise Storage Space in Your Small Kitchen

Innovative Ways to Increase Capacity in Your Small Kitchen

Brilliant Solutions for Small Kitchen Storage


Make a spice cabinet.

Take away packaging

Employ mesh baskets

Purchase a Cutlery Platter

Suspend Your Cups

Purchase risers

Choose a pot rack

Putting in a Cutlery Strip

Select the Top Shelves.

Use the area under the sink

Who wouldn't desire a sizable kitchen with a walk-in pantry and a ton of room to tuck away all the appliances that would otherwise be strewn across the countertops? But in actuality, a lot of us are confined to teeny kitchens with hardly enough space for cutting boards and pricey cookware. The lack of room can be very frustrating, but with these creative small kitchen storage ideas, even the smallest spaces can be made incredibly functional.

This guide is for you if you frequently watch videos on organizing tiny kitchens or make Pinterest boards listing every item you want to add to your kitchen. Your cluttered, confined area will be transformed by our small kitchen storage solutions.

Here are some DIY-friendly storage ideas for small kitchens that will quickly make your cooking area feel bigger and more comfortable, from making a spice drawer to installing hidden shelving next to your fridge.


Here are some of the best storage solutions for the kitchen that can make even the tiniest areas feel spacious and open.


Consider designating a single drawer to keep them all organized rather than stuffing several cupboards with mismatched seasoning boxes and bottles. You might want to remove everything from a shallow drawer in your kitchen before giving it a complete cleaning from the inside out. Then, to fill the space, you can either buy identical glass jars from department shops or use regular-sized spice bottles.

Since you won't have to search through several cabinets, this storage solution makes it simpler to identify various seasonings. A spice cabinet also helps you reduce visible clutter in your kitchen and has a nice aesthetic appeal.

For additional ideas, see our guidance on how to arrange spices in your kitchen.


Cereals, chips, and a variety of other snacks are frequently sold in large boxes or airtight bags that can be difficult to store in cupboards. Even if you manage to organize them neatly in a drawer or shelf, they still take up much more room than the items they are intended to hold. Eliminating the bulky packaging and decanting everything into airtight containers is the simplest method to solve this issue.

Aside from saving space, choosing clean, stackable containers will also prevent you from having to open the lid of every single one before you locate what you're looking for. The expiry date of the contents of these jars can also be noted by attaching a piece of paper to the bottom of the container.

These glass and plastic containers also have the additional advantage of being rather attractive, making it simple to display them on open shelves.


Mesh baskets are essential when considering small kitchen organization suggestions. They are ideal for storing smaller snacks like chocolate bars, biscuit packets, and candies. To take advantage of the prime space that frequently goes unnoticed, you can organize these baskets inside your cabinets or even above the shelves.

Mesh baskets typically come in a wide range of sizes and are attractive enough to be exhibited on countertops when not in use. They work wonders at keeping smaller items organized and clutter-free in one spot. These baskets can also be used to keep cleaning supplies like sponges and steel wool as well as tea towels.


Nobody enjoys searching through a mess of kitchen tools in a cupboard for the right spatula. It might take a lot of time and be irritating. In addition, if you are not cautious, your search for the ideal spoon might result in some cuts and scratches on your fingers. You will essentially be wasting room if you decide to keep your spoons and forks in a cute holder on the tabletop.

To make a lengthy tale short, you ought to think about putting a cutlery tray in any kitchen drawer that is shallow. The cutlery tray can serve as a false bottom for a cooking area that only has deep drawers, allowing you to keep your rarely-used kitchenware without cluttering the area. As these trays are readily accessible at most home goods stores, it is also one of the most affordable small kitchen storage options.


Mugs can take up a lot of room, particularly if you keep them side by side in a cupboard. They don't combine well either, which makes the issue worse. Of course, you could purchase one of those mug-holder trees to keep all of your cooking tools together.

Be conscious, though, that those holders are very simple to knock over. In other words, there is a high chance the entire thing will fall, shattering all the mugs in the set, if you have young children in the home who might pull a mug roughly off the holder.

Investing in hooks, which are among the best storage options for small kitchens, is the best answer to this issue. Install hooks under a cabinet or shelf and suspend your coffee mugs from them by the handles.


Utilizing risers is the next suggestion on our list for tiny kitchen storage. There is a high possibility that you are not using the entire height of the available shelf even if your cabinets already have a wooden board in the center to divide the space.

By installing risers in each of your kitchen cabinets, you can easily double the interior room. You can organize things above and below them with the help of these inexpensive but useful tools that function as miniature tables. Additionally, they aid in keeping various items separated, saving you from having to comb through a shelf in quest of a particular box or bottle.

You can also spend money on a Lazy Susan, also known as the small turntable platforms that are sold in most department stores, if your budget permits.


Are your kitchen storage cupboards too small to hold all of your household's pots and pans? There is a good chance that you are having trouble finding the proper place for some of your cooking utensils if you find that they are frequently left out on your counters even when they are not in use.

Putting in a plant rack may be the simplest solution to this problem. You can place one of these racks in an unused corner of your kitchen or suspend it above the sink because they come in both horizontal and vertical alignments.

Additionally, if money is a little limited, you can suspend frying pans from hooks you install on the wall above your sink or countertops.

Additionally, if money is a little limited, you can hang frying pans and other kitchenware with holes in their handles by installing hooks on the wall above your sink or counters. Just be certain that the fasteners you bought are strong enough to hold the weight.


Every single square inch of countertop area is valuable. Therefore, if your kitchen has one of those block-shaped knife holders, you might want to replace it with a chic magnetic strip close to your culinary area. This is one of the best kitchen wall storage ideas that can elevate the style and usefulness of your decor.

Magnetic strips are also simple to place and maintain. They can be used to hang items other than knives, like steel serving spoons and other objects. Please refrain from purchasing affordable or low-cost magnetic knife strips. Your knives could slide off the strip and injure someone if the magnetic material is not strong enough.


Kitchen cabinet installation is more straightforward than most people realize, but it isn't inexpensive either. Therefore, you always have the choice to fill the empty space with open shelving if you want to maximize your kitchen storage space but are unable to add a new row of upper cabinets.

Open shelves are not only extremely fashionable but also comparatively less expensive and simpler to install. Additionally, they can add dimension to your interior design and make your kitchen appear larger, airier, and more open. To be honest, it's a win-win scenario.

Similar to this, you can attach a detachable magnetic shelf to the side of your fridge to keep lightweight items like tea bags and condiment sachets. It is also one of the most useful tips for organizing a tiny kitchen for tenants.


Given that there isn't much room for washing, chopping, prepping, or cooking, keeping a tiny kitchen clean can be a challenge. You cannot, however, allow your space to appear disorganized or filthy. Consequently, be sure to spend money on high-quality cleaning supplies and keep them all under the sink.

Sadly, this section of the kitchen is the least tidy. But if you completely clean and sanitize the area first, then set your trash can on one side and a stack of plastic drawers on the other, you can turn that around. The sponges, rags, and other cleaning supplies can be kept in these compartments.

Don't neglect to fasten a rod to the inside of the sink cabinet door as well. It can be used to suspend cleaning solution bottles without causing clutter.

Our overview of tiny kitchen storage ideas comes to a close now. However, if you're searching for additional advice on how to organize a small kitchen, you might want to browse the following blogs.

Items Never to Be Stored on Kitchen Surfaces

6 Simple Ways to Organize a Messy Kitchen

How Can You Smartly Keep Food in Your Kitchen?

The best house improvement and real estate blog in Pakistan, Rightdeed Blog, has more suggestions for small kitchen storage. You can also contact us at with any comments or questions you may have. Last but not least, to remain informed about the most recent real estate trends in your city, visit our Facebook page and click the "like" button. 


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